jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Francisco I Madero

He was born in parras de la Fuente,Coahuila,to a very rich family.

He studied in U.S.A in the school university of California.

His parents were rich.

He started the Mexican Revolution with his Plan of San Luis and the book Presidential Succession of 1910.
Fernanda Rodriguez.


The Mexicans can have gons to defend themselves or their family. Some guns are for the soldiers. The guns that the soldiers have can´t be had by the normal citizens.

Porfirio Dias

Studied in instituto de artes y ciencias.

He was born in Oaxaca.

He was important in the battle of Puebla.

He was Meztizo.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Victoriano Huerta Military carrer

he killed Pino Suarez and Fransisco Madero.

During Porfirio Diaz administration he rose to the of general.

On February 18,1913 Huerta had Madero like vice precident.

Huerta took over of the mexican goverment.

End of the revolution

it finished with the death of enustiano Carranza IN 1920.

next come the Cristero Warsof 1926.

the mexican revolution lasted from 1910-1940
by Mario

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

The End of the Revolution

After 31 of being president Porfirio Diaz was removed from being president.

So instead of Diaz the Mexicans chose Francisco I. Madero as their new president.

Later on the Mexican Revolution started and it ended in 1915.

Land was givin back to the farm workers.

By Sara


Article 123 is the one that respects
the people labor rights,but
man need to work 8 hours
at least per day,with 1 day
of freedom. by Santi

Francisco I. Madero personal life

Francisco I. Madero was a Mexican president,he used to have a brother named Gustavo Adolfo Madero he haved a crystal eye one day they invited him to a restaurant where they shot him and put a knife on his good eye and kill him,when Francisco I. Madero ask why you don't tell me before, they say him thats not your problem ,they take him and pino suarez to a car,I.Madero go alone and pino suarez was killed,in the car they torture him then he get down and was killed.
by Beto

Emiliano Zapata

Legacy- Emiliano Zapata is considered a national hero in Mexico. There are towns and villages named after him throughout the country.

Zapata has became a simbleof the struggles. His ideas around again land reform, freedom and refer to "Zapatistas".

The Zapatistas say "Zapata lives on and struggle continues!". The Zapatistas were demanding "Land and Freedom".

Victoriano Huerta

Victoriano was born in Colohan,Jalisco,on the 22 of Desember of 1850,son of Jesus Huerta and Refujio Márques.He maried Emilia Aguilera on November 21,1880 in Mexico City and touguether they had eleven children,The names of his children were Jorje,Maria Elisa,Victor,Luz,Elena,Dagoberta,Eva and Celia.Huerta established a harsh military dictatorship.Army prison at Fort Bliss.Later he was returned to jail and whiled so,died of choihorses of the liver cofined. by Alain

Pancho Villa (Mexican Revolution)

Pancho Villa was standing infront of a firing squad waiting to be shot. Pancho Villa mounted cavalry troops and fought alongside General Victoriano Huerta to suport Madero. Pancho Villa sentenced to execution in an attempt to dispose of Huerta.
by male

Alavaro Obregon

Ellection and Death

During the reing of street religious comflicts crested by the radial implemetation of some articles of the constitution,there was that the mexican bishops,supported by Pope Pius x1 ordered the closure of Cstholic churches in the country .It is against this background that Alvaro Obregon retired from political life wich continued to have grest weight, decides to launch his candidacy for reelection in 1917.

The Mexican Constitution suffered a reform to Allow re-election in January 1927.

By Pily

diaz political life

Porfirio diaz was assistant of Benito Juarez. In april 1877 , Porfirio D.iaz became president .He was president for 33 years .He used against the thieves the "ley fuga" and his political enemies the system "matelos en caliente".
By Julie

Constitution of 1917

The article #3 declares that education must be free and mandatory.

Education mudt be non-religious.

There can be private schools.

Private schools must follow official programs.


lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Tiendas de Raya

A "Tienda de Raya" was an hacienda.No one liked "Tiendas de Raya", which would give us a reason to ponder on this thought: How were they able to sustain a steady business? The answer is as follows: "Tiendas de Raya" had a plentiful variety of goods. the catch? you had to work at the hacienda to be able to buy at the shop. "Tiendas de Raya" were called in that fashion because if you couldn´t sign the contract because you couldn´t write, you just had to put a line or a dash. Also you had to do exactly what the proprietor or propietress says once you have signed the sheet that confirms your purchase. At the "Tienda de Raya" they pay you, but in special money that can only be used at their store. It was a type of slavery, but the owner had an excuse, the excuse was that they paid, unlike slaves. In addition to the cruelty, the owner set the prices, so you could not bargain, and the owner ended up with the money they gave you. another downside is that if the worker had any debts his or her family had to pay them off when he or she died. Now you see why "Tiendas de Raya" were so unpopular in the country of Mexico. Luckily they do not exist in Mexico anymore.

By: Patrick

Emiliano Zapata.

Zapata´s family were mestizos.

He had his reputation appearing at bullfights and rodeosin his elavorate caw boy outfit.

He was the 9th of 10 children.

He had to care for his family because his father died when he was 17 years old.


Francisco I. Madero

He was born in Parras de la Fuente,Coahuila.Maderos father sent him toEcoldes Hauntes.

he studied in Jesuit college in Saltillo. And he was born in a rich family. by Andres

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Francisco Jose Villa Doroteo Arango Arámbula

He was of the most prominent Mexican Revolution General.

They called Division del norte.

He was too the Governor of Chihuahua by Yoshua

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Victoriano Huerta Political Career

Huerta convinced Félix Días to be the president.When Huerta was the president Carranza,governer of Coahuila,he don't recognaize him as a president so he took the army.he finished his presidensy on June 24,1914.
Cristy P.R


The Porfiriato was a period of time when Porfirio Diaz was president 30 years.

During Porfiriato there were many inventions some are... X-Rays, invented in Germanyin 1895,

railroads ,and vaccunation for tuberculosis and rabies.

The movies came to Mexico during porfiriato.

Porfiriato had a period of 30 years.

There was a big separation between rich and poor. by Marifer

Alvaro Obregon pre revolution life

Alvaro Obregon salido was bornin February 17,1880 in Sonora.

Son of don Franciscon Obregon Gamez and of doña Cenobia

Salido Palomares.

His family Was irish and that some of his ancestors had belonged

to the spanish royalty. by Davide


Prsident of Mexico, 1920-1924

President Obregon. Note that he lost his right arm in the battle

of celaya (1915 they put nickname of "Mnco de Celaya"

("The one armed man of Celaya.)


In. November 1913, Obregons forces captured Culiacan.

Military career, 1911-1915