martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Victoriano Huerta

Victoriano was born in Colohan,Jalisco,on the 22 of Desember of 1850,son of Jesus Huerta and Refujio Márques.He maried Emilia Aguilera on November 21,1880 in Mexico City and touguether they had eleven children,The names of his children were Jorje,Maria Elisa,Victor,Luz,Elena,Dagoberta,Eva and Celia.Huerta established a harsh military dictatorship.Army prison at Fort Bliss.Later he was returned to jail and whiled so,died of choihorses of the liver cofined. by Alain

7 comentarios:

  1. I realy dont think that he was from jalisco mexico that is interesting.

  2. Were is Colohan, i think m not in my brain .

  3. Even though he was famous for his violence, it is kind of strange that he ended up dying a "natural" death (instead of someone killing him).
